Fullerton, Tracy & Farber, Matthew, The Well-Read Game: On Playing Thoughtfully. MIT Press, March 2025.
Fullerton, Tracy, Game Design Workshop: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, 5th Edition. Francis & Taylor, April 2024.
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, “Surveying the Soul: Creating the World of Walden, a Game” in World-Builders on World-Building: An Exploration of Subcreation. Mark Wolf (ed), Routledge, December 2021.
Foreword: 2nd Edition of the Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology and Art of Gaming, Greenwood/ABC-CLIO Press, May 2021.
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, “A Year at Play in the Woods of Walden Pond” in Gamescapes: At Play in the Landscapes of Ideology, Soraya Murray (ed), Art Journal special issue, June 2020.
Foreword: Locally Played: Real-World Games for Stronger Places and Communities. Benjamin Stokes, MIT Press, April 2020.
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, “Walden, a game: Reflection” in How to Play Videogames. Matt Payne & Nina Huntemann (eds), NYU Press, March 2019.
Fullerton, Tracy, Game Design Workshop, 4th Edition: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. AK Peters/CRC Press, March 2014.
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, “Reflections on the Night Journey” in MACHINIMA: Dal Videogioco Alla Videoarte. Matteo Bittanti (ed), Mimesis, Eterotopie, n. 418, 2017.
Section: Fullerton, Tracy, “Reflections on Values at Play” in Values at Play in Digital Games. Flanagan, Mary and Nissenbaum, Helen. MIT Press, July 2014.
William G. Tierney, Zoë B. Corwin, Tracy Fullerton and Gisele Ragusa (Editors), Postsecondary Play: The Role of Games and Social Media in Higher Education. Johns Hopkins University Press, May 2014.
Fullerton, Tracy, Game Design Workshop, 3rd Edition: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. AK Peters/CRC Press, March 2014.
Fullerton, Tracy, Game Design Workshop, 2nd Edition: A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games. Morgan Kaufmann, February 2008.
Fullerton, Tracy, Chris Swain, Steven Hoffman, Game Design Workshop: Designing, Prototyping and Playtesting Games. CMP Books, February 2004.
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, “Documentary Games: Putting the Player in the Path of History” in Playing the Past: Nostalgia in Video Games and Electronic Literature, Zach Whalen & Laurie Taylor (eds), Vanderbilt University Press, June 2008.
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, Janine Fron, Celia Pearce, Jacki Morie, “Getting Girls Into the Game: Towards a ‘Virtuous Cycle'” in Beyond Barbie and Mortal Kombat. Yasmin Kafai, Carrie Heeter, Jen Sun & Jill Denner (eds), MIT Press, September 2008.
Interview: Fullerton, Tracy, “Games Education,” “Prototyping,” and “Teambuilding” in Game Production Handbook, Heather Chandler, Charles River Media, p. 87, pp. 209-210, p. 92, 2006.
Interview: Fullerton, Tracy, “Prototyping,” “Creating Meaningful Choices” and “Games and Story” in Game Development Essentials: An Introduction, Jeannie Novak, Thompson Media, 2005, pp. 334-335, p. 195, p.140. (New edition, fall 2007)
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, “Convergence Programming on Two Screens,” in Convergence Design: Creating the User Experience for Interactive Television, Wireless and Broadband by Steve Curran, Rockport Publishers, 2003.
Chapter: Fullerton, Tracy, “Spiderdance,” in Producing Interactive Television by Annessa Hartman, Charles River Media, 2002.
Guest Post: Common Sense Education Newsletter “How You Can Use Story-Driven Games Just Like Books in the Classroom” with Matt Farber, August 16, 2022.
Guest Luminary Post: “Walking with Thoreau – Uncommon Wisdom for Game Designers” Filament Games Blog (, September 2019.
Fullerton, Tracy “Masterful Play” Kill Screen #4, August 2011.
Dr. Cynthia Chiong and others, including Tracy Fullerton, “Report: Can Video Games Promote Intergenerational Play & Literacy Learning?” Joan Ganz Cooney Center, New York, NY, February 2010.
Fullerton, Tracy “Reflections on The Night Journey: an Experimental Video Game,” Kritische Berichte: The Ludic Society – The Relevance of Videogames, 2.2009.
Fullerton, Tracy, “Playcentric Design,” Interactions, vol. xv, no. 2, pp. 42-45, March/April 2008.
Pearce, Celia, Tracy Fullerton, Janine Fron, Jacqueline Ford Morie, “Sustainable Play: Towards a New Games Movement for the Digital Age” in Games and Culture, Vol 2, No. 3, pp. 261-278, July 2007.
Fullerton, Tracy, “Play-Centric Games Education,” Computer, vol. 39, no. 6, pp. 36-42, Jun., 2006.
Fullerton, Tracy, Chris Swain, Steven Hoffman, “Improving Player Choices,”, March 10, 2004.
Fullerton, Tracy, “Tracy Fullerton Discusses Majestic” in Design Interact. Communication Arts, May 2001.
Hamilton, Matthew, DiSalvo Betsy, Fullerton, Tracy, “Mindful Gaming: User Experiences with Headspace and Walden, a Game” Games: Serious and Immersive Games – Third International Conference, HCI-Games 2021 Proceedings, Virtual Event July 2021.
Stokes, Benjamin, Watson, Jeff, Fullerton, Tracy, Wiscombe, Simon, “A Reality Game to Cross Disciplines: Fostering Networks and Collaboration” Defragging Game Studies, DiGRA International Conference Proceedings, Atlanta, GA, August 2013.
Fullerton, Tracy, Sean Plott and Daniel Ponce, “Aligning Game Mechanics with Learning Goals” American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Denver CO, April 2010. (Poster paper)
Fullerton, Tracy, Laird Malamed, Nahil Sharkasi and Jesse Vigil, “Designing History: The Path to Participation Nation” ACM SIGGRAPH Game Papers, New Orleans, LA, August 2009.
Pearce, Celia, Tracy Fullerton, Janine Fron, Jacqueline Ford Morie, “The Hegemony of Play” DiGRA Conference, Tokyo, September 2007, proceedings pp. 309-318.
Pearce, Celia, Tracy Fullerton, Janine Fron, Jacqueline Ford Morie, “A Game of One’s Own: Towards a New Gendered Poetics of Digital Space” Digital Experience: Design, Aesthetics, Practice, Perth, September 2007, proceedings pp. 136-146.
Fullerton, Tracy, Todd Furmanski, Kurosh ValaNejad, “Journey of Discovery: The Night Journey Project as Video/Game Art” ACM SIGGRAPH Video Game Symposium, San Diego, CA, August 2007, proceedings pp. 55-63.
Fron, Janine, Tracy Fullerton, Jacqueline Ford Morie and Celia Pearce, “Playing Dress-Up: Costumes, role-play and imagination” Philosophy of Computer Games, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy, January 2007.
Fullerton, Tracy, “Journey of Discovery: The Night Journey Project as Game/Art Research” Calit2 Lab Workshop: “A Multi-Disciplinary Approach to Computer Games: Understanding the State of the Art in Academic Computer Game Research” Irvine, CA, October 2006.
Fullerton, Tracy, Jenova Chen, Kellee Santiago, Erik Nelson, Vincent Diamante, Aaron Meyers, Glenn Song, John DeWeese, “That Cloud Game: Dreaming (and Doing) Innovative Game Design” ACM Siggraph Video Game Symposium, Boston, MA, July 2006.
Pearce, Celia, Tracy Fullerton, Janine Fron, Jacqueline Ford Morie, “Sustainable Play: Towards a New Games Movement for the Digital Age” Digital Experience: Design, Aesthetics, Practice, Copenhagen, December 2005.
Fullerton, Tracy, “The Play’s the Thing: Practicing Play as Community Foundation and Design Technique” DiGRA Conference, Vancouver, BC, June 2005.
Fullerton, Tracy, “Documentary Games: Putting the Player in the Path of History” Playing the Past Conference, University of Florida, Gainesville, March 2005.